What do you eat on a yoga retreat?

What do you eat on a yoga retreat? One of the most common questions asked of retreat organisers  is ‘what do you eat on a yoga retreat?’ And, depending on who is leading the retreat, and where you will be staying, the answer will differ. When you choose a...

My digital detox dilemma

Back in November I reached an all time high for daily screen time. An average of 4 hours 3 minutes every day for a week. But in that same period the Yogandspice Facebook reach, usually around 150, hit 2,638! This sums up my digital detox dilemma. And I don’t...

Is JOMO on your agenda?

Have a joyful festive season ……….however you spend it. We all know about FOMO: the Fear of Missing Out. But what about JOMO? Can we find joy in missing out? FOMO stems from social media posts where we are all having a great time. And Christmas and...