Valley View, Golden Grove, Whitby, YO22 5HH   |   07962 505906   | |

Space and quiet in our yoga studio

Mar 30, 2020 | wellness

Yoga studio


What do you say when the world is turned upside down overnight? When new, and very real, concerns, new rules and new behaviour patterns change much of the world as we know it. I am surprised how quiet the world is. And never is this more true than when I lay down my mat in the space and quiet of our  yoga studio.

We now have space and quiet in the streets and on the roads too. And in the beautiful countryside where Mark and I are so lucky to be in lockdown. But social media is surprisingly empty and muted as well. Are we so shocked we don’t know what to say? Or are scared to plan, because we don’t know what’s round the corner. Or to reminisce because it seems too trivial in a time of crisis?

Perhaps some are enjoying the quiet. It’s been heartening to see so many walkers pass our door. Not just the usual hearty walkers and joggers but families, couples and individuals taking exercise because they have time.


Space and quiet in our yoga studio

Our spacious studio is always a quiet place. Our stunning situation ensures that. Purpose built for yoga and mindful meetings ,it is a roomy wood clad building with a comfortable and quirky mezzanine relaxation area.

Our plan was to share our beautiful site at Valley view, and our studio, with yogis and guests. To help you rest and recharge. Now we have a private retreat, sharing our space only with our menagerie who are enjoying the extra time and attention.

So while we, like many other businesses, are charting unknown waters and living day to day, we are some of the luckiest ‘lockdowned people’ in the country.

Lessons from yoga for the loo roll hoarders

I am enjoying the space and quiet as a time reflection. Time to realise that the ancient teachings of yoga are so pertinent in modern times too. I’m not talking about the postures or breathing – though they help us keep physically fit and relieve stress.  But it is Patanjali’s Yamas or Rules of Right Living that we need right now. From ‘Ahimsa’, do no harm… ‘Aparigraha’, do not grasp,  they have messages for all of us – especially the loo roll hoarders!  So while I can’t welcome you to Valley View and the space and quiet of our studio at this time,  I can encourage you to discover more about the true meaning of yoga.


Keep safe

