Valley View, Golden Grove, Whitby, YO22 5HH   |   07962 505906   | [email protected] |

My digital detox dilemma

Jan 3, 2020 | wellness

Digital detox

Back in November I reached an all time high for daily screen time. An average of 4 hours 3 minutes every day for a week. But in that same period the Yogandspice Facebook reach, usually around 150, hit 2,638! This sums up my digital detox dilemma. And I don’t think I am alone.

Screen time drains your energy

We, like many businesses have a product that we are excited about…….. it’s a beautiful retreat venue where, along with home grown vegetables and the freshest of air, we suggest a digital detox to allow guests to enjoy the healing power of nature. Screen time drains your energy, physically and mentally, especially if you are hunched over a mobile. And, while selling the idea of connection, it limits your real life connection with the world around you.

But, as far as I can see, there is only one way to tell the world about Yoga & Spice at Valley View – our amazing venue where you can connect with yourself, with like minded people and the great outdoors – and it is via the internet. I have been some great on some great Marketing Seminars run by  North York Moors Tourism (which is how I know that Facebook reach is more important than likes or comments) and the message is loud and clear.

Communicate with customers

Building an on-line presence is practically the only way to find, and communicate with, customers. Unless of course you just hand your publicity over to one to the big boys. In our case the company is called Book Yoga Retreats. And yes, we have done that too:

Leave the phone at home

Notwithstanding the need for promotion, my New Year’s resolution is to leave the phone at home  – and not turn it on until after breakfast. The first is not so hard as I don’t go out much (too busy on social media). The second will take some self-control. Ask me to say no to chocolate or a glass of wine and I have no problem.  But starting the day without a quick glance at the mobile is proving harder than I thought.

But that’s all the more reason to stick to my resolve. As yogi I am particularly aware that addictions come in many guises, usually first described as habits. And they limit us from reaching our full potential.

Wake up call

And that four hours (forget the three minutes) was a wake up call! In four hours I could meditate; take Rosie to the beach; clean the house; phone a friend or family member – and get my accounts in order. But then of course I wouldn’t have any accounts if I didn’t have any business. Back to my dilemma.

And I just thought of something else. My phone is my camera. If I don’t take it with me how can I show you all the beautiful sights around Valley View. But if do, I compromise my own experience of them. What to do?