Valley View, Golden Grove, Whitby, YO22 5HH   |   07962 505906   | [email protected] |


Recipes, Winter Recipes

We eat chard most of the year round but I have put this recipe in the winter section because it is one of the few leafy greens available in winter and because, it is rich and creamy so good winter fodder.

Serves 4 as a side | Prep time: 10 mins | Cooking time: 20 mins

300g chard
20g ghee or coconut oil
1 small onion, diced
1 tsp fresh ginger, finely chopped
Splash of white wine
Salt, to taste
½ tsp sugar or maple syrup, to taste
100ml coconut milk/cream (use the top of the tin)
1 teaspoon Madras curry powder
Rinse the chard and separate chard stems and leaves. Cut leaves into fine strips, dice the stems thinly and discard the tough stems.

Melt the ghee in a frying pan and fry the onion and the ginger to release the flavour then add the chard stems and fry until translucent. Pour in the white wine and boil until the liquid has cooked away.

Add chard leaves, season with salt and sugar to taste and cook for about 5 minutes until the leaves are wilted, stirring occasionally.

Stir in coconut cream and curry powder and bring to the boil. Simmer over a low heat for a few minutes and add more salt if necessary. Remove from the heat and serve hot.

P – Greens and coconut are good for Pitta types. Go easy on the curry powder
V – Chard is a good green for Vata types. Leave out the onion or cook very well
K – Enjoy but go easy on the coconut milk