From 20 -23 March we are very excited to be hosting our first Ayurvedic detox or Ama Pachana. If you are one of the many people wondering ‘What is an Ama Pachana anyway?’ then the best way to find out is to come along. You’ll get a chance to use our spectacular new yoga studio (if you wish); stay in one of our woodland rooms and to relax, recharge and rebalance.
But what is Ama Pachana anyway?
The Ayurvedic concept of Ama doesn’t have an exact translation. Western medicine doesn’t use such a concept. Ama is the sticky unpleasant residue that lingers in the body if foodstuffs are not completely digested. The Western diet is full of food combinations that play havoc with our digestion. We eat too much at the wrong times, or not enough at the right.
While Ama originates in the digestive tract it starts to create ‘dis-ease’ when in moves into other weak spots in the body. Ayurveda sees Ama as the root cause of conditions such as skin irritations, arthritis, sinus problems, inflammation and of course digestive issues.
Burning toxins
Ama Pachana means to burn Ama or toxins. During the Ama Pachana you will be served a light but sustaining diet of freshly grown vegetables. With rice and other gluten free grains and some easily digestible pulses. The tasty dishes will be washed down with fresh herb teas and special toxin burning spices.
You will also learn about the Ayurvedic Doshas or the elements. When out of balance these elements combine with Ama to wreak havoc in the body. Changes in diet and lifestyle can bring you back in balance and improve physical and mental well-being. And help with weight loss too.
Following a restrictive diet of any kind, while continuing with your work or home commitments is very hard. If you join us on the Yogandspice Ama Pachana we will nurture, support and encourage you. There will be plenty of activities to keep you occupied and plenty of relaxation time too. And you will be able to enjoy the beauty of the Valley View site and learn alongside others.