Aerial Yoga

A total body workout 



Aerial yoga is a total body workout which tones muscles and regenerates and strengthens joints. It improves flexibility and is amazingly helpful where there is an imbalance in the body. When you are upside down the spine is given a chance to decompress. Aerial has psychological benefits too… how better to clear the mind than hang upside down? And it is great fun – a true mood enhancer.


Our aerial classes are open to anyone who has a basic level of fitness and a sense of adventure. We do teach yoga, with the sling for support, rather than acorbatics, so  a basic knowledge of key yoga postures is ueful but not essential.  When the hammock is used to support and stretch it often allows a movement that you may not have been able to manage on the floor. And it is great for balancing postures.

For aerial newcomers, achieving an inversion in the aerial hammock at the culmination of every class, is a great sense of achievement. And it is only the beginning of a really fun experience.


New for 2024…….see the dates with a *. These extended sessions will include a relaxation in the hammock accompanied by Mike’s powerful sound bath.

How do I sign up?

We work mainly on a  group booking basis.  Our stunning studio can accommodate six students plus the teacher so every member of the group can be assured personal attention. Its a great team builder, celebration or special day out. Pricing and details below. Contact us for possible days and times.

We do also run a drop in class on a Sunday about once a month. See dates below. Priority is given to regular Yoga & Spice students but there is usually a space or two for newcomers.

Aerial Yoga
Aerial Yoga


…but I’m sure you’ll want to do them

Aerial yoga practices can be energetic and challenging or restorative and relaxing. Inversions are the highlight of most classes. They are not obligatory – but most students feel ready to have a go by the end of their first class. The hammock can also be a cocoon and a place of rest – a perfect place to draw your attention inwards and enjoy a Yoga Nidra.


booking group sessions

Our group sessions are  really popular with clubs, companies and groups of friends. You can choose a  75 minute or two hour session.

The 75 minute session is a fast moving introduction aerial yoga with a chance to try an inversion and a short relaxation. Cost is £20 per head (six people).

The two hour sessions include warm ups, postures, an aerial flow and a chance to try several  inversions. Cost is £30 per head (for six people).

Please contact Lorraine on 07962505906 to discuss suitable dates and times.




(Limited availability £25)

There is no online booking system for these classes as availability is limited. Contact us via What’s App 07962505906 to book. Space confirmed on receipt of payment.

Saturday 20 January 10.30 a.m*

Sunday 11 February – 5 p.m
Sunday 24 March – 5 .30 p.m
Sunday 14 April – 5. p.m
Sunday 12 May 10.30 a.m*
Sunday 9 June 5.30 p.m
Sunday 14 July 5 p.m
Sunday 8 September 10 .30 a.m*
Sunday 13 October 5.30 p.m
Sunday 17 November 10.30 a.m.*

* Session followed by sound bath in the hammock.  £35